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Hay Fever / Pollen Allergy

Hay fever, also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis, causes cold-like symptoms such as a runny nose, congestion, and sneezing and sinus pressure. It is a very common condition that affects two in every 10 people in the UK.

It is caused by an allergic response to indoor or outdoor airborne allergens, such as pollen, dust mites or pet dander. Some people have hay fever year-round. For others, hay fever gets worse at certain times of the year, usually in the spring, summer or fall. One of the most common allergic conditions, hay fever affects about one in five people.

For some people hay fever symptoms are a minor, temporary nuisance. But if your symptoms are more persistent, they can make you miserable and affect your performance at work, school or leisure activities.

Hay fever symptoms that can interfere with your day-to-day activities and have an impact on your quality of life include:




Your symptoms may start or worsen at a particular time of year, triggered by tree pollen, grasses or weeds. If you`re sensitive to indoor allergens such as dust mites, cockroaches, mold or pet dander, you may have year-round symptoms.

Seasonal hay fever triggers include: -

•Tree pollen, common in the spring

•Grass pollen, common in the late spring and summer

•Weed pollen, common in the fall

•Spores from fungi and molds, which can be worse during warm-weather months.

Year-round hay fever triggers include: -

•Dust mites or cockroaches

•Dander (dried skin flakes and saliva) from pets such as cats, dogs or birds


•Spores from indoor and outdoor fungi and molds

Tests and diagnosis:-

Skin prick test.

Allergy blood test.


• Asthma.

• Eczema.

• Sinusitis.

• Ear infection.

Treatments and drugs:-

Although there are several allopathic medicine likes:-Antihistamine tablets , Steroid nasal sprays and drops, Eye drops, Oral corticosteroids, Decongestants, Cromolyn sodium, Leukotriene modifiers, Nasal atropine, Immunotherapy and Nasal lavage. These generally focus on the suppression of symptoms. And none of these medicines provides complete cure. They are only for temporary relief.

Homoeopathy provides excellent result in hay fever. Most people nowadays know that Homoeopathy is a very gentle system of medicine. Hay fever has been successfully treated and managed by "Homoeopathic world". Hay fever requires detailed specific prescribing of the "right" homeopathic remedy. Trial and error or shotgun prescribing does not work, and therefore we don`t recommend self-medication.

How does homoeopathic medicine work in hay fever?

In Two Ways:

1. Remedies can be given for first aid relief . When given to a Hay fever sufferer it will relieve these symptoms. It will help to relieve nasal congestion, itching and other Hay fever symptoms.

2. More importantly, Homoeopathic medicines are prepared in the safe way that is designed to change the body`s response to pollen. The immune system is normalized and the Hay fever symptoms do not appear.

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